Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th Protest- Let Our Voice Be Heard!

image found at:
As a full student at SJSU, being the mother of a six-years-old who attends first grade in a public school, and the sister of two younger girls who are also finishing their studies at SJSU and SFSU, I feel the need to talk on what has just happened today. For the first time, a lot of students and faculty of public education in California have met in front of the City Hall protesting to raise public awareness about how important it is to support our public education! Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed for the year of 2010/11 a restoration of $305 million dollars to CSU. However, this is still a proposal. As everyone knows, a country without education will only decay. Higher education should be the priority to lead to not only a better economy, but a better society. It is crucial that we all start taking an active role towards this issue. Let our voice be heard!


  1. Check out this article comparing what CA spends on prison vs. what CA spends on education.

    We spend $50,000/year per inmate!

    We spend more on prisons than on education!

  2. Did you go to the march and rally? Do you know about AB656?

    I wonder if you could look at online writing spaces as a means of social protest for your upcoming research paper. Just a thought . . .

    ~ Cathy

    p.s. pretty cool that you got a post from someone outside class!

  3. Hi Cathy,
    I've just seen your comment to me in this post. I did go to the rally on March 4th. My other professor required us to go, and since we did not have class meeting that morning, I was able to attend it.

    I've heard about the AB656 and I think it is a start to funding money to education. I also like the idea of getting money from the big oil companies to fund education since it will be also helping towards the environment. I do hope that this bill passes! :)
