Monday, March 15, 2010

Wikipedia Research Topics

After researching Wikipedia’s policies, experiencing it as an “editor”, and reading chapter 6 of BrunsBlogs Wikipedia, second Life, and Beyond, I have decided to explore three questions as possible topics of my research paper. First, I would like to investigate Wikipedia’s system as an adhocracy where individuals within the community have the same power to create, edit, and add information to the articles in order to help improve knowledge in their community. In addition, I would like to research the effects of collaborative work in Wikipedia society today. By focusing on their administration, language, policies, and discussion boards, I will reflect about society’s evolvement in our current information age. Another topic I would like to explore is the controversies around credibility of Wikipedia’s articles, and the spread of knowledge through collaborative work. I would like to reflect on Wikipedia’s positive and negative effects in society, comparing Wikipedia with traditional Encyclopedias such as Britannica. The third topic I would like to investigate is: What is the direction of consumption and production of information in the future? As Wikipedia’s community grows, more information is spreading quickly. Where is this project going to end up in the near future where everyone is collaborating to improve the Website?
Click here to watch a movie about students perceptions of Wikipedia.

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